1. The religious differences in France lead to a civil war by dividing the state into two distinct sides: one that supported the monarch and was Catholic and one that was antimonarchic and Protestant. Violence was incited through religious ceremonies and the destruction of churches highlighted how the religion differences further divided France then before and led to the want for one religion to prevail because each thought the other was blasphemous. The nobles that used Protestantism to gain independence from the crown showed how politics played a role in the conflicts. The crown was already fragile as it was after the death of Henry II so the further separation of the religious sects caused instability in France and war to arise …show more content…
Religious conflict led to wars in the Netherlands because of the angry the Dutch felt over Spain trying to express their Calvinists beliefs and practices. The people of the Netherlands found the reformed Calvinist religion attractive and wanted to practice it but in Spain’s attempts to re-Catholicize Europe, they tried to suppress Calvinism and raising taxes in the Netherlands which only led to revolts and resulted in Spain sending in troops under the duke of Alva. That only caused Spain to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Dutch people because of Council of Blood. The role England played in those conflicts were aiding the Union of Utrecht during the civil war against Spain since they were Protestant and the southern Netherlands was Catholic under Spain. The outcome of the conflicts were fighting until the truce with Spain in 1609 when they recognized the independence of the United …show more content…
The factors that led to an increase in witch hunts during the period of religious reform and religious wars were the need for an scapegoat for all the was going wrong, a way for rulers to show piety and concern for order in places where there was divisions of religion, and the need to blame people for the devil’s strength that came from religious wars. The predominant view of women influenced the witch hunts because women were seen as weaker than men and therefore would be more likely to given into the devil and also because things when wrong within women’s jurisdiction of children getting sick or food spoiling it was more likely that it was caused by them. The factors that made it easier to convict people of witchcraft was the reformed legal system in which the accuser would no longer face consequences for wrongfully accusing someone, unlike before. If someone wrongfully accused someone they would be punished so not many took that chance as often but now they did not have to fear that. The role mass hysteria played in the prevalence of witch hunts was a need to blame someone for all the issues that were causing the hysteria, like the wet and cold summers or the emergence of religious conflict which is also why the amount of witches tried during the time of the reformations were more then prior to that. Witch hunts made it easier to blame witches for cause the devil to be strengthened and causing pain in their lives as well as a way to distract people for the real