Throughout history, the world has seen its fair share of people lying, deceiving or even murdering in order to achieve power. Julius Caesar was assassinated by his senators , Ottoman shahzades (princes) committed fratricide to become the Sultan , and the junior senator from Wisconsin lied for the sake of fame. Joseph McCarthy had a brief career as a politician, yet it was one full of lies and deceit, which led to many wrongful accusations and character assassinations. From Owen Lattimore to the members of the Hollywood blacklist, many had fell victim to McCarthy’s unholy crusade on the so called internal communist threat. For the reason that they might have had the slightest connection with a communist sympathizer, personal ideas …show more content…
Senator McCarthy caused great controversy during his short but remarkable period of fame, as his exploitation of the American population’s fear had an unmistakable effect on the social life of the time. However, despite all the controversy McCarthy stirred, despite the numerous trials and hearings he held, he appears to not have made a significant mark regarding government policies or legislations. This rises the question; To what extent did Senator Joseph McCarthy and His Actions Have a Social and Legislative Effect on the American Government and its Citizens? It is a question worthy of investigating, as this way, by not only analyzing the main person or event, but also consequences, we are provided with a larger scope of results, as well as a better understanding of the cause and effect relationship of significant events or time periods such as the Cold War, or specifically McCarthyism …show more content…
. . a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. . ..”. During the time, fear of communism was prevalent in the US, especially with events such as the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, nuclear weapons tests by the Soviet Union, and alleged espionage acts by government officials such as Alger Hiss and Klaus Fuchs. This common fear of communism caused great media and public attention on McCarthy and his speech, and brought him to the spotlight. This speech is the first example of the beginning of McCarthyism, as here, the senator was able to use the already existing public fear to his own political gain, by convincing the American public the Communist threat was real and present even inside the government. After his speech however, the number of these so-called communists changed, twice, first to 57 and then to 81. His speech had number 205 written on the page, however in the version that was given to the press, 205 was crossed out and 57 was written. McCarthy would also deny in the future he ever used the number 205. There are no voice recordings of the