
How Did St Paul Contribute To Evangelization

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Embracing their missions, both go out to spread their faiths leading to greater evangelization and closer encounters with the God of Abraham. Despite the racial divide still in his heart, Malcolm X would later see in Islam what St. Paul saw in the Mystical Body of Christ: “the Oneness of Man under One God” (X, 207). This change would occur after his fallout with the leader of the Nation of Islam and his mentor, Elijah Muhammad, and his hajj to Mecca. Similarly, St. Paul, after his conversion and before taking on the great ministry that would define the rest of his life, “went away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus. Then three years later I went up to Jerusalem to become acquainted with Cephas, and stayed with him fifteen days.” Prior to his great evangelization, St. Paul journeyed to Arabia, then met with Cephas (St. Peter), whom Christ had ordained as the rock “upon [which] I will build my Church”--symbolizing in a very real way St. Paul’s unity with the original disciples of Christ and their apostolic mission. From this experience, St. Paul would be inspired to evangelize to most of the known world preaching and writing to multiple cities across the Roman Empire just as Malcolm X was energized to spread Islam and the Nation of Islam’s ideology of black …show more content…

He was an advocate of cultural and social reconstruction until a balance of equality was shared, ‘by any means necessary.’ Generally, this phrase of his was misused, even by those who were his supporters. But the statement was intended to encourage a paralyzed constituent of American culture to consider the range of options to which they were entitled-the ‘means.’ ‘By any means necessary’ meant examine the obstacles, determine the vision, find the resolve, and explore the alternatives toward dissolving the obstacles. Anyone truly familiar with my father's ideology, autobiography, and speeches sincerely understands the significance of the now-famous phrase.” (X,

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