
How Did Stalin Lead To The Downfall Of The Kulak Class

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How Did Stalin Lead To The Downfall Of The Kulak Class
How would you feel if you had to share everything you had with everyone else around you? Not good? That is how the kulak class felt during the first five year plan issued by Stalin. This plan was supposed to increase the industry of Russia by quite a bit, if it had worked. He issued an act called collectivization where every farmer would share farms and equipment to increase efficiency this was part of his plan to liquefy the class. During this era the Kulaks felt horrible and were not treated correctly leading to the downfall of the Kulak class. The Kulaks were mistreated from 1918 to 1936, not saying they weren’t mistreated before but it was the main time period of mistreatment.(1) Stalin was betterly known in Russia as “Uncle Joe” because …show more content…
Also Stalin thought very high about himself and that people needed to see what he was seeing with all his five year plans, which had no good outcomes. The Kulak class was the first on his list, followed by many more. The Kulaks were proud of what they were doing even if they weren’t bringing in a lot of profits. Kulaks are serfs that farm, in short words. They were peasant farmers who still used the old ways of farming until Stalin showed up and shoved mechanization down their throats while being forced to share farming equipment with other farmers nearby. During the time this was enforced many Kulaks lost all freedom, their whole life was now devoted to farming, and they had no free time because Stalin wanted to move so fast into industrialization. Stalin, being a man of great confidence, saw no error in his work. This is what later caused an uproar in the Kulak district. The liquidation of the kulaks was announced by Stalin on the 27th of December 1929. Stalin had said that "We have passed from the policy of restricting the exploiting proclivities of the Kulaks to the policy of eliminating the Kulaks as a class” which meant he had passed on from just trying to get them to quit but to actually eliminate them now.

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