
How Did Joseph Stalin Lead To Communism

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How Did Joseph Stalin Lead To Communism
Now that both nazism and communism had been established it is important to understand how they maintained power as well as the policies they instituted while in power. In the Soviet Union the goal of Lenin had been to institute a full blown socialist state, but in reality it didn’t pan out like he had hoped. From 1918 until 1921 the Bolsheviks had implemented War Communism. War Communism was not only meant to be an economic system but also a social system; it included the virtual elimination of all private trading, there was worker control in all factories which did not help the hurting economy but diminished the efficiency of the work, it also nationalized labor and instituted quotas. It was an epic failure which led to a decline in agricultural production by 54%, malnutrition …show more content…
Stalin had worked his way up within the party and would become dictator for 25 years until he died. While he was the leader he was ruthless and would cause the deaths of millions of people. In order to just become the leader of the Soviet Union Stalin played Zinoviev, Trotsky, who I for some reason feel got the short end of the stick with Stalin, and Kamenev against each other and this led him to be the undisputed leader of the the Communist party and dictator. Economically Stalin did not agree with the New Economic Policy that had been instituted by Lenin, which had been working, so he decided to increase the state’s role in the economy. He did this by increasing control over industry and making sure the workers were making equal wages as well as collectivization of agriculture which did not bode over well with the farmers who instead of giving up their animals killed them. Stalin not wanting any opposition to not only himself but his policies, targeted the kulaks and eliminated the commune

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