1. How effectively did Suzanne teach problem solving in her lesson? To what extent did she apply the suggestions for helping students become better problem solvers in her lesson?
* Discuss all five steps of the problem solving model in the book.* Provide at least one example from the video which demonstrate how Suzanne covered each of the five steps in the model.* Discuss effectiveness of conducting the lesson and introducing the problem solving model in this way to this age and level of student? Delineate advantages and disadvantages.
Teaching graphing to second graders through using the idea of rating the preference of the candy flavor is a very effective approach. To teach problem solving, the teacher uses developmentally appropriate materials that students relate to. First, she asks the students to think about an answer of the question related to the favorite type of candy of the students in the class. In this step she helps them to define the problem clearly and realistically, and she models how a problem statement should be developed. …show more content…
The students were able to add and subtract, but they were not able to decide how to find the most liked flavor in the class. To help them the teacher scaffolds the students through asking question and guiding towards finding right solutions. The lecture was designed so that the students to learn through discovering the knowledge. She supported the collaborative construction of the knowledge through encouraging the negotiation and collective work. The teacher was patient and she did not force the students, instead she accepted the differences. Accordingly to the constructivist approach, the teacher summarized what they learned at the end and she asked if the students had questions. She was positive and finished the class by providing specific feedback and giving credit for proper behaviors such as to raise hand and speak with a low tone of the