
How Did The Bubonic Plague Lead To The Renaissance

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How Did The Bubonic Plague Lead To The Renaissance
The Renaissance brought the world from the Dark Ages, or Middle Ages, to Modern Day. Taking place between the 14th and 17th century and wildly considered an art movement the renaissance played a crucial development of the world. In the following analysis, one may see how feudalism and the bubonic plague lead to the Renaissance era while including the substantial impact of the Renaissance. The Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, were filled with feudalism, the bubonic plague, and the corrupt Catholic church. Feudalism is a society based on the hierarchy of kings, nobles, knights, and peasants. A place where kings would exchange land for military service. The practice of feudalism differed from ancient Greece and the Roman government, for in ancient Greece and Rome they did not practiced feudalism. During the Greece empire, the Greeks were divided into city-states with their own governments. While Rome was …show more content…
The plague originated in China and was brought to Europe by twelve Genoese ships that landed in Sicily about October of 1347, and would wreak havoc on Europe until 1350. However, during this time, the Catholic church would use the plague to their advantage to make more money. They did so by creating and selling charms, potions, Mary’s breast milk, and wood from the cross of Jesus Christ.
After the plague and the collapse of feudalism gave way to the Renaissance era, which began in Italy, due to the influence of Italian city-states capitalism and their ties to trade. The Renaissance era led to the creation of the printing press, art, and exploration. The printing press was a revolutionary discovery by Johannes Gutenberg, that would later help Martin Luther attack the Catholic Church with his 95 theses. Art of the Renaissance is a blend of classical and Christian figures. The four master artists of the period were Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Donatello, and

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