Te Gold-rushers of 1849 had some issues but in the issues there was some success. In 1848 James Marshall had discovered the gold in California. The challenges the individuals faced during the California gold rush were the effects of traveling in covered wagons, the living conditions while traveling to California, and who actually benefitted from the California gold rush.
First, the effects of traveling in covered wagons were. First, the people who overpacked broke down before making it to California. (Cherne 12) “Later on the tales of overloading reached new emigrants, these travelers packed only the essentials.”(Cherne 12) The people were trying to pack less so they would make it to California. “Yet, packing too little also presented problems,” (Cherne 12) The individuals needed to make an estimate on what they needed and what they didn’t. The 49ers needed to make predictions on what they needed to bring.
Second, the living conditions while traveling over seas were. “the preferred ocean route was around Cape Horn. The trip however, was brutal.”(Saffer 14) The individual's trip to California was a lot more than they were expecting. Their meals on the ship were awful because the foods that needed to be refrigerated were left in the room …show more content…
The people who were smart enough to stay back and keep their shops were the people who actually made the most money. “Woman made fortunes baking pies and running boarding houses.”(Gillis 44) the woman who did not go with their husbands made tons of money just with their regular jobs. “Apples sold for $1.50 each, a fee that would have been more than a day's wages for a farm laborer back home.”(Gillis 44) The everyday items that were sold for a low price were more than a daily payment for a farm laborer. So the money in the California gold rush was truly made outside of