1885 Founding of Indian National Congress (INC); moderate phase of Nationalism
1890s Dissension Movement
1893 Cow Protection Movement
1905 Partition of Bengal on 10th October; swadeshi ' (own country) movement boycotts foreign products; radical nationalism; British suppression of leaders
1906 Foundation of All India Muslim League (AML)
1907 Split in Congress at Surat session
1908 Morely-Minto Reforms modest political reforms giving Indians slightly more representation on legislative councils; Indian Councils Act
1911 Reunification of Bengal
1914 Start of World War One (WW1) Indian soldiers fight for British
1915 Mohandas Gandhi returns from South Africa
1916 Jinnah becomes President of AIML INC and AIML united against British
1917 Chelmsford-Montague Reforms promised limited representative democracy Split between AIML and INC
1919 India Act, Rowlatt Satyagraha beginning of mass politics
1920-22 Non-cooperation-Khilafat Movement under Gandhi; introduction of Satyagrapha policy and non-violence; Hindu-Muslim unity; ended because of rising violence
1920 Jinnah leaves Congress
1928 Landless labourers resisted dominant peasants in Bardoli
1929 Congress formally accepts goal of purna swarah (complete self-rule)
1930-31 Second Civil Disobedience Movement; Salt March (1930)
1931 Civil Disobedience halted; Gandhi takes part in meetings with the Viceroy and attends Second Round Table Conference
1932-34 Civil Disobedience resumed but called off as a result of violence
1935 Government of India Act signed
1942 Cripps Mission; August: Quit India Resolution; Gandhi arrested
1945 End of World War II; Labour party elected to power in Britain promise of independence for India
1946 Muslim Communal Violence
1947 14th August: Pakistani Independence; 15th August: Indian Independence
Indian nationalism developed from the 1880s towards independence in 1947. During India 's journey towards independence there were
Bibliography: Primary Sources: Gandhi M.K. on Hindu-Muslim Unity – excerpts from his Collected Works, Dated between 1921 and 1925, in D. Dalton, (ed.), Mahatma Gandhi: Selected Political Writings, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1996. Kahn Sir Sayyid Ahmed, The Present State of Indian Politics: On Congress, 1888, in BN Pandey, (ed.). The Indian Nationalist Movement, 1885-1947: Select Documents, London: Macmillan, 1979 Secondary Sources: Heehs Peter, India 's Freedom Struggle 1857-1947 A Short History, Oxford University Press, 1988 Stein Burton, A History of India, Oxford: Blackwell, 1998 All readings taken from HIST 116 Book of Readings East meets West: Asia in the Age of European Expansion, Victoria University of Wellington, 2005