In Imitation Game, Alan Turning is not only saving England from the war or individual lives, but also his supporting cast, particularly Joan Clarke. In real life Joan needed no help to get the job she needed, but in the movie Turing helped her get the job she deserved. Without Turing’s help Joan would have never gone to Bletchley due to her parents. Without Turing, Joan would have never worked on breaking Enigma, but that isn’t what happens in real life. The difference is made to make Turing seem more heroic throughout the movie. Not only when he breaks enigma, but whenever he helps
In Imitation Game, Alan Turning is not only saving England from the war or individual lives, but also his supporting cast, particularly Joan Clarke. In real life Joan needed no help to get the job she needed, but in the movie Turing helped her get the job she deserved. Without Turing’s help Joan would have never gone to Bletchley due to her parents. Without Turing, Joan would have never worked on breaking Enigma, but that isn’t what happens in real life. The difference is made to make Turing seem more heroic throughout the movie. Not only when he breaks enigma, but whenever he helps