later it was time for the colonists’ revenge-the Boston Tea Party. A group of men from Boston went aboard a British ship, disguised as Indians, and dumped over 300 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This lead to Parliament creating the Coercive Acts which reestablished the power Britain had over the colonists. The colonists couldn’t be under British rule any longer, the people knew they had to do something soon. A few notable delegates, Washington, Adams, Henry, and Jay, joined together spoke on the colony’s behalf, voicing their issues. This came to be known as the First Continental Congress. The delegates discussed taxation, but more importantly, a declaration of rights. These rights included life, liberty, property, assembly, and trial by jury. When the Continental Congress was supposed to meet again, they were unable to because of the uprisings in Lexington and Concord, where the Revolutionary War officially began. Luckily, the colonies were able to have the Second Continental Congress, where they discussed a new game plan. The new plan included a Continental army with George Washington as the commander. The Battle of Bunker Hill was the Continental Army’s first important battle. Even though the battle ended in British victory, the Continental Army became eager to defeat their enemies. By 1776, the war had become huge and the colonists were gaining more support everyday. The increased amount of support even led to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Two months later, during the crossing of the Delaware River, Washington conducted a surprise attack resulting in a victory for the colonists. After a few loses for each side, a crucial turning point, known as the Battle of Saratoga, occurred. On October 17th, Burgoyne surrendered what was left of his army, resulting in a very important victory for America. It was the most important victory for America because this is when France joined the war against Great Britain on America’s side, turning an American civil war into a world war. America could not have won the revolution without France as an ally. Soon after the great news of the French inclusion into the war, America faced a few setbacks. One of the major setbacks was losing General Arnold to the British, though they did gain another victory against Loyalist forces. After this stalemate in the northern colonies, the Colonial Army, along with French Army, ventured to Yorktown and surrounded the British troops. Then, on October 19th, 1781, Cornwallis and his British army were faced with no way out and no way of defeating their American and French enemies. They were forced to surrender. Even after their surrender, British troops had yet to be taken out of the colonies. It wasn’t until they were removed from Charleston and Savannah in 1782 that all the Americans knew the rule of Britain was over for them. After 8 long, violent years, Americans had won their independence. The American Revolution was the most influential occurrence in American history for many reasons. After the French had involved themselves into the Revolution and helped obtain the official victory for America, a peace treaty was discussed. In November of 1783, negotiators from Britain and America met in Paris. It’s here were both nations discussed the terms of a peace treaty. However, the most important outcome of the American Revolution occurred on September 3, 1783. On this day, Great Britain officially recognized America’s Independence with the Treaty of Paris. Britain even signed peace treaties with France and Spain at the same time. The American Revolution made America what it is today, an independent country.
2. The Civil War The Civil War started in the year 1861 and continued until 1865. In the 1860’s, when Abraham Lincoln was president, the southern states had slavery while the northern states did not. The free states, the north, and the slave states, the south, had extreme differences. Differences that they would not compromise on. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president in history to declare what he thought was wrong- having slavery within the American territories. However, some of the territories, the southern ones, did not agree with their president. This resulted in the creation of the Confederate States of America. Lincoln and his fellow administrators could not accept this, fearing that democracy itself would be ruined. They felt that acknowledging the south’s succession could potentially result in the fragmentation of the United States. On April 12, 1861, the trigger of the war occurred. At Fort Sumter, the Confederate Army forced the federal garrison into surrendering the American flag. After this happened, Lincoln knew he had to increase his military power in order to come back from this. However, because of the slave states’ success, more states started to join the Confederate Army. It was in 1862 when the real fighting began. Some of these fights include Shiloh, Second Manassas, and Antietam. There were even bigger battles that followed, such as Gettysburg and Chickamauga. At this point, the northern territory’s goal had completely changed. What they wanted now was war on the South, they wanted to completely destroy the idea of slavery, creating a new sense of freedom. For the next three years, the northern army was led by Robert E. Lee and many other generals who fought against the Union Army. It wasn’t until 1864 that Ulysses S. Grant came to Virginia, ready to become the Union army’s chief. Under his leadership, the Union armies began to win a series of battles against the Confederates. Two new generals, General Thomas and General Sherman, became a very successful leader on the Union’s side. After entering Georgia and South Carolina, Sherman’s army destroyed the economic infrastructure of the Confederate Army. Thomas’s army, at the battle of Nashville, completely wiped out the Confederacy’s Army of Tennessee. It was in 1865 that the Confederate armies finally gave up, and surrendered. The war finally ended once the Union captured Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy, on May 10th, 1865. This didn’t end slavery itself, but it did open up the doors to the rebuilding of their nation. A nation free of slavery. The Civil War was what ultimately showed America what kind of nation it would be. The Civil War had a profound affect on America’s history. After the nation had been torn apart, the ending of the Civil War gave hope to people everywhere that the nation would come together once again. The Civil War also showed just how powerful the Federal Government was. Federalism had won as the national government in America. When the Civil War ended, a new era began- Reconstruction. There was so much damage done during the war and there was so much that needed to be rebuilt. Industrialism soon followed, and this lead to completely new world for America. The world was changing, and it was changing extremely fast.
3. The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution in America occurred within the years of 1820-1870 during it’s peak.
The Industrial Revolution was when people changed over from an agricultural economy to an industrialized economy, home-made production to more factory, machine-made production. The Industrial Revolution began in Europe, but soon America began to borrow the ideas of English inventors. Samuel Slater was the man to built the first factory in the United States. After going to England, Slater returned to America with the idea of textile factories. Slater’s first textile factories were used to spin cotton, but these led to a decade of the textile industry completely dominating the country. This led to the creation of hundreds of new companies everywhere. In 1804, a man named Oliver Evans developed an invention that would completely change America. His invention was a steam engine. This engine would, in the next few years, go on to power multiple things such as ships, the printing press, sawmills, and even the textile factories. After many failed attempts of producing a steam- powered vehicle for land transportation, Evans was finally able to make it happen. His invention was called the Oruktor Amphibilos, and he, luckily, was able to get the invention commissioned by Philadelphia’s Board of Health. This was just one of Evans’s great inventions. It is rumored that Evans himself was the inventor of at least 80 more inventions throughout his life, however, nothing as influential as the steam
engine. Another huge invention throughout the Industrial Revolution was the railroad system. Railroads opened up a huge door for America. Because of railroads, people were has an interconnected network to each other. Of course railroads started as short lines, but this was loads better than having to travel by horse and carriage, or, even worse, by foot. However, by 1860, there were railroads that connected nearly every city. By the late 1800’s, there were thousands of not only freight trains. but passenger trains as well. Because of railroads, Americans were able to communicate and trade with each other more efficiently. Also, Americans were able to expand Westward. Railroads were one of, if not, the biggest invention to come from the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution did not just happen all by itself. It required people, lots of people. Inventions from industrialization were a huge deal and impacted America greatly, but industrialization impacted the economy even more so. Railroads needed to built, and it took an insane amount of people to build them. It was a huge process to build all of the parts, put them together, and engineer the parts correctly so that they actually worked. New companies that came to be from textile factories needed people working in them and executing the actual business. America didn’t have enough people to satisfy such a huge demand for work, so this led to large amounts of immigrants mostly from Ireland and Germany. Millions of people immigrated to America. However, immigration led to a conflict. Because of the amount of immigration, the huge amount, political parties began to take notice. People began to think two things, either they were okay with immigration, or they absolutely despised it. Americans took very strong positions on the idea of immigration and whether or not they should be granted the same rights as Americans. Because of their opinion and inabilities to compromise with one another, the conflict of immigration resulted in huge political changes in America. The Industrial Revolution impacted America in three ways. Technology was completely changed in America, for the better. The economy was increased and millions of jobs had been created. And politically, immigration was a huge divider between people, changing politics for good.