items,knowledge, and technology; unified rule; and female participation in trade concerns.
Superiority in Military Conquests
The opening of trade would not have been possible without the attainment of new territories.These new regions were conquered by the prowess of the Mongolian Empire’s military machine,willingness to adopt new advanced weaponry, and non-negotiating political attitude. When invadingnew lands, the Mongolians employed a variety of methods to overcome their enemies includingfeigned fright, surprise, and encirclement after using scouts and spies to provide intelligence on theenemy.
For warfare over the steppes, the Mongolian possessed excellent horse riding and archeryabilities that allowed them to overcome armies with greater numbers, and the warriors would fireupon their enemy from a distance before advancing. After expending five dozen arrows or less, theMongolian army would gallop into the opposition while utilizing swords, lances, javelins, and macein defense. The employed the latest advancements in siege warfare in defeating larger cities.