
How Did The Need To Support The Revolutionary Government

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How Did The Need To Support The Revolutionary Government
Whilst the need to maintain political control was an incredibly prominent influence of the Terror, it was ultimately the need to protect the nation that encouraged the revolutionary government. Throughout the period of the Terror, the need for competition over political control was a poignant factor. However, the necessity to protect the state from destruction in war was another influence. Additionally, the need to defend the revolution against internal and external threats was a most pertinent consideration. Although the need to dismiss political opposition was incredibly significant during the period of the Terror, the need to shield the country of France from its vulnerable state was more eminent.

The revolutionary government of 1792-1794, in order to maintain their political control over the nation, adopted the Terror as an effective way to rule as the monarchy fell. With an immense
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The nation demanded strong, unwavering leadership – this need for political control was an immediate stressor to the rise of terror in France. With the rise of the key institutions of the Terror, all in charge of bringing traitors and enemies to justice, political power of the current revolutionary government was furthered, and such was the need to maintain it, with Barere stating that “terror” is now to be “the order of the day”. As the Terror progresses, France begins to see the rise of counter-revolutionaries in Vendée, which appear to threaten the integrity of the revolution and thus its government. This threat would be detrimental to the control of the government, thus the drownings of August 1792 ensued. This mass slaughtering of these ‘rebels’ can be seen as one of the first real acts of terror –

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