
How Did The Russian Revolution Influence The Soviet And Chinese Government

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How Did The Russian Revolution Influence The Soviet And Chinese Government
The Soviet and Chinese governments while both Communist served the needs of different classes of people. Both of the Governments were extremely repressive to their citizens and they were responsible for the death of millions of its citizens. Both nations manufactured a form of cult around their leaders that to this day is still prevalent in both nations. The Russian revolution began in 1905 when unarmed civilian marched towards Czar Nicolas II Winter Palace. Bloody Sunday as it is called was January 9, 1905 it is estimated that one thousand people were murdered that day as a result of the Czar’s thirst for power. After bloody Sunday the Czar felt pressured to give the citizens more rights so he passed some reforms. One of the reforms was the creation of the Duma or assembly but the Duma was not seen as representing the will of the people. When World War 1 broke out all of parties united under the Russian flag except one, the Bolsheviks. In 1917 while Germany was fighting Russia on Russia’s Western Front a Russian Marxist named Vladimir Lenin was arrested in Germany. Since he was a Russian he was promptly arrested and questioned once the Germans realized the Russian was an anti-Czarist he was sent to Russia to cause instability in the country. Lenin led …show more content…
The Communist and the Nationalist fought each other after negotiations in order to form a coalition government between the two parties failed. During the Civil War the Communist worked hard to build networks of local Governments who stoked sentiment of nationalism rather than class struggle like the Soviets. The Communist were provided with aid from the Soviets even though they didn’t trust each other they saw each other as a front against against American Imperialism. On Oct 1, 1949 Mao Zedong proclaimed the establishment of the People’s Republic of

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