
How Did The Us Enter The First World War

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How Did The Us Enter The First World War
CRASH COURSE U.S. HISTORY Episode #30: America in WWI

What were the years and costs of World War I?
It lasted from 1914 to 1918 and costs the lives of an estimated 10 million soldiers
What side of the war was the U.S. on when the war broke out?
When the war broke out, America remained neutral, but many Americans sided with the British.
What factors led to the U.S. officially entering the war?
The factors were: Germans’ decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917, the interception and publication of the Zimmerman Telegram in which the German Foreign Secretary promised to help Mexico get back to California if they joined Germany in a war against the U.S., the fall of the Tsarist regime in Russia which made Wilson’s claims that he wanted to fight to make the world safe for democracy a bit more plausible. Also there was an inclination to help Britain because the U.S. loaned them $2 billion.
How did the U.S. help Allies in the war?
Loaned $2 billion to Britain, we sent all sorts of arms and money to allies, sent troops
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Congress passed the selective service act, which required 24 million men to register for the draft and eventually increased the size of the army from 120,000 to 5 million. Government also commandeered control of much of the economy to get the country ready to fight, creating new agencies to regulate industry, transportation, labor relations, and agriculture. The War Industries Board took charge of all elements of wartime production. The Railroad Administration administered transportation. The Fuel Agency rationed coal and oil. The War Labor Board pushed for a minimum wage, eight hour days and the rights of workers to form unions. Wages rose, working conditions improved, and union membership skyrocketed. Government used its power to shape public opinion. 1917, Wilson administration created the Committee on Public Information which created propaganda to get Americans to support the

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