The relationship between faith and reason has been explored by a number of thinkers and philosopher’s since ancient times. The exploration undertaken by Renaissance writer; Machiavelli is a particularly significant due to its contrast with thinker of the late antiquity such as Thomas Aquinas, he is particularly interested in classical literature ttys to distil the experiences of Rome and Greece through its rulers. His book ‘The Prince’ and ‘The Discourses’ are books of particular interest which outline his views on reason and faith.
The most famous piece and controversial piece of writing ‘The Prince’ acts is written guide for future princes on how to govern. His firm and well explained opinions regarding church, power and reason is contradictory to late antiquity write Thomas Aquinas who believes faith justifies reason.
Machiavelli’s emerged in the renaissance period; a time during which new ideas where developing in regards to science and technology, he felt that reason and faith should be associated as one. He felt that the faith should have a place within the state acting as a support and encouragement to the success and prosperousness of the state; ‘religion introduced into Rome was one of the chief causes of the prosperity of that city’. He felt faith was essential to ensure successful running of the state. The significance of the church for Machiavelli was that this organisation allowed control this is shown in his text ‘The Discourses’ where he mentions Numa as being the successor of religion and peace, she is described as more important then Romulus who represents soldiery and lawmaker; ‘I believe that the higher merit would be conceded to Numa; for where religion exists it is easier to introduce armies and discipline’ This shows Machiavelli understood that citizens will not obey by mere fear of being punished however will obey through