Woodrow Wilson was the president for World War I. He wanted to join the nations together at the end of the war to ensure that there was no other danger to democracy. Wilson felt the threat that his nation may be compromised and …show more content…
Outside of America’s rebuilding process, bad things were happening in Europe.
In Europe, Adolf Hitler came into power and created the Third Reich. He was posing a major threat to the world as he was arming himself for a massive assault, against the Treaty of Versailles.
France and Britain warned Germany against these actions as the League of Nations, but the warning was
ignored and in the end Germany left the League of Nations. Benito Mussolini in Italy quickly followed suit, and Japan grew their armament with Germany as they backed out of the previous naval power treaties they had. While all this was happening, the American Congress passed laws to keep America out of any conflicts over seas. These acts were the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937. These efforts were made to keep America isolated, and we remained so until the surprise Pearl Harbor attacks by
Japan in 1941.
In conclusion, America adopted an isolationist policy in the 1920s and 1930s for many reasons.
The American people did not want to get caught up in any foreign affairs and focus on its growth and development. It remained isolated because of the threats to democracy overseas with the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia, Benito Mussolini coming to power in Italy, Adolf Hitler increasing him