Diversity at your workplace is a great way to deliver quality, effective and appropriate service to clients.
Having a shared set of values, respect and understanding others beliefs encourages better work place relationships.
• the benefits of diversity
Diversity can help you learn understand and respect other cultures and beliefs, religion, getting involved with other social groups.
• the need for inclusivity, cultural safety and cultural competence
Cultural safety is a policy of ensuring respect for cultural and social differences in the provision of health and education services.
Cultural competence is the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact …show more content…
By inviting suggestions from employees about various organizational functions, activities etc. to give employees a sense of belonging
• 2. Empathizing with any personal problems an employee is going through
• 3. Keeping the lines of communication and information flow transparent and ensuring nothing is hidden or misrepresented
• 4. Encouraging a positive and supportive culture in which employees work in collaboration with each other and discuss their problems freely with each other
• 5. Arranging parties in which employees come in informal contact with each other and also develop mutual and effective relationship with families
• how to overcome communication barriers
There are several ways to communicate if there are barriers, there is always sign language, body language, writing letters, interpreter, family or friends can communicate for them.
• how the individual and cultural needs of clients can be accommodated and …show more content…
Assist clients to become aware of their own cultural values and norms, and facilitate discovery of ways clients can apply this awareness to their own lives and to society at large, as well as within the organisation.
Respect the client’s religious and/or spiritual beliefs and values.
Work to eliminate biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices.
Provide information in a language that the client can understand.
Provide information in writing, along with oral explanations.
• the methods that might be used to prevent, overcome or manage cultural conflicts
Successful conflict resolution comprises of three aspects:
Desire and necessity for the conflict to be resolved
Understanding of possible barriers to the resolution of the conflict
The choice of method of conflict resolution.
Have self-awareness of their own cultural practice, including prejudice, stereotyping and bias
Understand various cultural factors contributing to cultural differences
Be sensitive and appreciate a migrant’s migration experience
Have a good knowledge of, and skills in, communication
Be able to work with interpreters
Be willing to accept and appreciate other