Cancer cells are very different from healthy cells. Healthy cells grow and divide like they are suppose to, whereas cancer cells do not grow and divide in a healthy way. So instead of acting in healthy ways as the body needs to function the cells begin to grow in unhealthy ways and affect all other cells. (
There are many things that can happen to us that can cause our healthy normal cells to develop into cancer cells. In researching,, I learned that some of the causes of cancer. Sometimes cancer cells form in our body because of genes that are passed down to us by our parents. Cancer can also form due to
our environment and being exposed to chemicals or radiation. Our non-healthy habits like smoking and doing drugs can cause cancer. Even if we are taking a drug prescribed by a doctor that drug could have a side effect of causing cancer. There are infections that we can get when we are sick that can cause cancer cells in our bodies. (
When these causes of cancer happen in the body they cause the healthy cell to mutate. “A gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly.” When this mutation starts for whatever reason that caused it to start the healthy cell no longer functions as is once did. Instead of working properly, these mutations create, “errors in the instructions and can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancerous.” (