The majority of women who worked in the 1960s had largely limited jobs such as a teacher , sectary ,nurse where one of the jobs a women could work at . Women where not welcome in medical programs , one medical school dean said "Hell yes, we have a quota...We do keep women out, when we can. We don't want them here — and they don't want them elsewhere, either, whether or not they'll admit it." In the 1960s there was a 6 percent of women doctors , and a 3 percent of layers where women , and less than 1 percent of women where engineer. Women that worked where paid less than working man . …show more content…
There where ''Protests against sexism in the media ranged from putting stickers saying "Sexist" on offensive advertisements to holding sit-ins at local media outlets, all the way to sabotage of newspaper offices''. "Consciousness-raising groups" became a good way to meet in small local groups and talk about family, sex, education, and personal work perspectives. As they began to talk they understood there relation and the society they now lived in at this