Parishes Should Be Addressed?
Throughout Britain, Catholics living in rural areas have been hit hard by the vocations crisis. Inevitably the small fragile communities have been the first to lose their priests, but if current trends continue the big-city parishes may soon be facing similar problems. The bishops of England and Wales keep telling us this is the "age of the laity," but without priests to minister to us, the future looks bleak.
In 2014, 49153 parishes in the world had no resident priest or pastor (CARA services. Frequently requested Church statistics). The role of a priest within a parish is vital and parishes without a priest can cause great difficulties for parishioners. In recent times the total number of priests have decreased and the average age of serving priests has increased. This fact, coupled with the ever increasing world population size has led to an unprecedented need for a new generation of priests.
The society that we currently live in is vastly driven by money and bursting with indulgences. This being said, the life of a priest is simple and modest and is therefore not a very attractive option for young men when they are deciding on their path in life. Whilst some young men of today’s generation still hold a great faith in God, at this time, faith alone does not seem to be enough. Very few young people would seriously consider commitment to a priestly life that has an immense workload and can often be lonely, removed from the reality of a loving wife and the possibility of having your own family.
Priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church has traditionally been a respected and highly praised lifestyle, with many regarding it as the “highest” and most holy was of life. Nevertheless, recently this image has been shattered by the media; priests who did not make a true personal commitment to celibacy, brought disgrace upon themselves, therefore putting the church under intense scrutiny.
References: Chapman. (1994). Congregation of Doctrine and Faith.,Catechism of the Catholic Church;nn 874-896;903. Daly. B., (2009).Priestly celibacy.The obligations of Continence and Celibacy for priest. Compass Evert, J Gaine.M. Tthe state of the Priesthood”. ibid pp 246-255 Geary.A., (2015).Lifelight home study courses Greeley, A. (2004). Priests. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Winter, M. (1986). Whatever happened to Vatican II Swenson, D CARA services. (2012)Frequently requested Church statistics. Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.[Online] Available at: Accessed on 05/04/15 Celebrate priesthood Sunday (2011) Archdiocese of Tuam (2010) One life, one call, one response.[Online] Available at: Accessed on 06/04/15