honourable man, but maybe so was Caesar. “You all loved him once, and now you just hate him all at once”, said Antony. For all of you will wish that you didn’t make that choice for I have Caesar’s will and once I read it you will wish you had a part of him. Then he tells the citizens that they are going to hate him more, because for he has to tell them that Brutus is the one who killed Caesar. Oh how you thought Brutus was a honourable man for he is the most unkindest of them all. Now you weep and wish Caesar was here instead of this traitor Brutus. Between the two speeches I would have to side with Antony, because he has good facts on why they shouldn’t have killed Caesar.
I believe that they should have gave Caesar a chance and not just kill him, because they thought he was going to make bad decisions. Also Antony points out that Brutus says he’s a honest man but yet he never told them he was the one who killed Caesar. Why would you want to listen to a guy that more less lied to you, but yet they wanted him to be there new ruler when Antony should be the new ruler. Antony should be the ruler because at least he is loyal enough to tell the citizens what actually happened. This is the story of the killing of Julius