A model of consumer decision reflects the cognitive, or problem-solving, consumer, and to some degree the emotional consumer. Culture is a major influencer of decision-making. How one is brought up, the society, the values all factor how an individual thinks. Malaysia is known for its rich, cultural background and the deep history behind it.
The model has three major components: input, process and output.
The input component of the consumer decision-making model draws on external influences that serve as sources of information about a particular product and influence a consumer’s product-related values, attitudes and behaviour. Consumer socialization, which is an external influence, refers to the process by which young adults acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to their effective functioning as consumers in the marketplace (Kamaruddin et al. 2003). Australia, through effective marketing inputs, can advertise to Malaysia the benefits of the fruit juice. Exporters need to keep in mind Malaysian culture and how it differs from that of Australia and hence may have to approach strategies differently. 60% of Malaysia populated by Muslims (worldtravelguide.com). Australia can use this opportunity to dominate the juice market in Malaysia, as most of the world prefers alcoholic beverages. Sociocultural environment is also another major influencer of consumers’ decision-making process as it affects how consumers evaluate options.
The process component is concerned with how consumers make decisions. Culture is a major influence in the process of decision-making (Kacen et al. 2002). The first step of the process is recognizing the need for a product or change. As most of Malaysia is Muslim, hence do not drink alcohol, it is recognised that another beverage needs to replace it. Juice is a likely candidate as it is sweet and provides satisfaction over water. Australia, being fairly tropical, grows
References: Karmaruddian A.R, Mokhlis S, 2003, Consumer socialization, social structural factors and decision-making styles: a case study of adolescents in Malaysia, International Journal of Consumer Studies, pages 145-156 Kacen J.J, Lee J.A, 2002, The Influence of Culture on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behaviour, Journal of Consumer Psychology, pages 163-176 Chacko G.K, Zainal R.B, Yunus D.B.M, Shahrudin S.B, 2007, Domestic Production Decision to Displace Malaysian Juice Imports, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics http://www.worldtravelguide.net/malaysia/history-language-culture http://www.helium.com/items/909757-why-does-islam-forbid-alcohol