Harvey Dent, …show more content…
Only if the coin lands on the damaged, scarred side does Two-Face actually commit crime. This compulsive coin flipping behavior is actually a compromise or means to keep the personalities in balance between Two-Face and
Over the years, there have been various attempts to repair Harvey’s facial disfigurement, but not with lasting success. Despite temporarily healing his outer appearance, no one ever cured him of his MPD. Even though he briefly returned back to his former appearance, he ended up destroying his healed face and became Two-Face again. One of the best examples of this is in
Frank Miller’s masterpiece The Dark Knight Returns. In his tome, plastic surgery returned Dent’s face back to normal, however, with the failed effect of restoring Harvey’s personality and eliminating that of Two-Face’s. Two-Face remained the dominant personality. Unfortunately, the
Dent character never integrates his two identities to mask or control his criminal personality.
Dent’s inability, that of an individual to meld or integrate distinct or split personalities illustrated what is common of those affected with