
How Does Immigration Affect The Economy

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How Does Immigration Affect The Economy
In this country of dreams, immigration has a huge effect on the population. There are many problems but also many benefits of immigration. While political views have a huge effect on the decisions being made, immigration continues, affecting this country for the better. Immigration, overall, is very beneficial to this country and its people. While the current President wants to “Make America Great Again”, a very hard stance putting up more restrictions and enforcing the borders, it will not stop people from coming over (Trump 2016). Immigration is good; it strengthens our economy, keeps us ethnically diverse, influences our values, and immigrants have a drive that keeps us on our feet. Immigration benefits our economy. A rise in immigration rates have shown a more prosperous economy. Most immigrants that travel into this country do not have the best communication skills, so they usually accept
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Immigrants come into this country and bring their values and ideas with them. The people around them may realize that they are different, but after a while they become normalized and accepted. Their values seep into the other person’s and become apart of them. Is this a bad thing? Is being influenced by an outside force not good? According to Daniel Griswold, “Successive waves of immigrants have kept our country demographically young, enriched our culture and added to our productive capacity as a nation”. People from different cultures bring different sets of values and instill them into their children and then those children interact with others, and that is the first step of sharing values and ideas. Advice given by Sunniva Heggertveit-Aoudia, she says the best way to learn is to “listen, be emphatic, speak to people’s heart and mind, ‘lean in’, be respectful – and you will build trust and be trusted” (2012). Sharing cultural values with each other is what makes this nation a good

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