Moreover, we need to see how the war affect the health and the environment of the Iraqis people. The air strikes were targeting the industrial and military sites located in oil refineries ornament factory bases, these attacks caused a release of a biohazardous chemicals wish will damage the soil and the water. Now Iraq experience a massive air pollution that cause a damage to the biodiversity of the region (Gray). For this said, the environmental issues create many health issues and limited the nutritional and the basic needs of the
Moreover, we need to see how the war affect the health and the environment of the Iraqis people. The air strikes were targeting the industrial and military sites located in oil refineries ornament factory bases, these attacks caused a release of a biohazardous chemicals wish will damage the soil and the water. Now Iraq experience a massive air pollution that cause a damage to the biodiversity of the region (Gray). For this said, the environmental issues create many health issues and limited the nutritional and the basic needs of the