1. Fill in the chart for major characters, most important characters first (add rows as necessary):
Role in the story
Significance of character to the work
Two adjectives describing him/her Macbeth The Main character who learns his fate and kills King Duncan to become King. Macbeth is the main character in the play and he is neither a clear protagonist or antagonist. We first meet Macbeth after a battle and he appears to be a nobel and who is loyal to his country. As time goes on however, he begins to change and turn towards actions that would be perceived as evil. Shakespeare used Macbeth to represent how the witches manipulated him and it is for the reader …show more content…
“ It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood.” In act 3 scene 4 Macbeth makes the realization that there will be consequences for the blood he has drained and it will most likely be his own. 2. Identify the major archetypes (use the handout from class), how it is shown in the text, and explain the significance as it relates to theme.
Archetype/how it is shown
Significance to theme
The Fall- Macbeth's greedy actions cause his eventual downfall When Macbeth is first introduced the reader learns that he is commander of a group a soldier while also being thane glamis and soon after thane of cawdor for his actions in battle. Before learning about his future from the witches Macbeth was in a good position living in a large castle but he still wanted more in fact, he wanted to have it all and become King of Scotland even though he was not heir. Macbeth decided it he would do whatever it takes to become King. These actions include murder which would eventually cost him his sanity and life after he is …show more content…
Shakespeare included a temptress to further support his teaching of the natural greed of mankind. The Trickster(s)- The Witches trick Macbeth down a road which leads to his eventual demise The Witches are classified as the tricksters because they tell Macbeth his future and their actions eventually lead to his demise. The witches connect to the theme because they take advantage of Macbeth's greed. Although it is not known why they did this the reader can infer that Macbeth’s royalty would benefit them or they just liked causing chaos as a trickster would. 3. Identify the following elements and their significance. There will likely be more than one for symbol, motif and imagery. Include other optional elements as significant: point of view, allusion, etc.
Literary Element/how it is