Censorship is the resistor of information and ideas distributed within a society, or can be defined as the act of changing a message, including the change of deletion (complete elimination of the message), between the sender and receiver. Censorship is a tool that can be used to accomplish good or evil but must be used carefully and only when truly necessary. Media censorship takes many forms in the way you get your news, while most information is edited at length some information is edited to keep delicate information from the public and this is usually done to protect a person’s privacy and also to protect media outlets from corporate or political fallout. Freedom of expression is the right to express ones ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. An example of freedom of expression is freedom of press. Freedom of expression is an important human right. It also underpins most other rights and allows them to flourish. The right to speak your mind freely on important issues in society and to access information plays a vital role in the healthy development process of any society.
Censorship is an expanding issue in Malaysia as they want to reach a knowledge based economy which is an economy that uses knowledge to generate tangible and intangible assets and using technology to transform a part of human knowledge to machines. Malaysia having one of the world’s firmest systems of media censorship with about a hundred movies being barred in the past 10 years on the ploy of upholding morality and the internet however remains unconstrained in line with keeping civil liberties and preserving democratic spaces. Article 10 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia states that everyone has a right to