He had the ability to escape the curse but was just so unlucky. His parents could have save him if only they would have kept him as their son and wouldn’t have tried to execute Oedipus as a child. “a hired hand will do the actual dirty work of setting out the child, who in turn will be somehow "done away"”.(Savoie). In the end, Oedipus was not done away with he simply was heard done the path of chaos and hardship. If only his parents had trust Oedipus to take care of the prophecy by not getting it happen when he turned into an adult. It is fate that all the horrible things happened to Oedipus. He tried to stop all the prophecy but was blinded by his own free will. He underestimated fate and caused his own destruction. There might have been a different outcome if only his parents would have had a different thought about how to handle the
He had the ability to escape the curse but was just so unlucky. His parents could have save him if only they would have kept him as their son and wouldn’t have tried to execute Oedipus as a child. “a hired hand will do the actual dirty work of setting out the child, who in turn will be somehow "done away"”.(Savoie). In the end, Oedipus was not done away with he simply was heard done the path of chaos and hardship. If only his parents had trust Oedipus to take care of the prophecy by not getting it happen when he turned into an adult. It is fate that all the horrible things happened to Oedipus. He tried to stop all the prophecy but was blinded by his own free will. He underestimated fate and caused his own destruction. There might have been a different outcome if only his parents would have had a different thought about how to handle the