Historic Background: Ever since Julius Caesar was a child he dreamed of having great power. During his early political years he used many ways to gain power including bribery, intimidation, and manipulation. He took Romans to new heights while he made Roman long lasting dreams finally come true. He fought many battles and gained Rome many resources and land. When he finally returned to Rome he settled down as dictator for life. This…
Julius Caesar was a well liked leader and politician. During his life he helped to transform Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. He also expanded the amount of land that was ruled by the Romans. The Republic was in a state of chaos while Caesar was growing up, which tarnished the prestige of Rome, and caused it to appear unsteady and overwhelmed with its own…
The Roman's godlike worship of Caesar threatens the prominence of the Senate. To retain his dominance Mark Antony chooses to become a close ally to him. Cassius, Brutus, and the other conspirators however, plot Caesar’s demise. In the end, Mark Antony finds high esteem and the conspirators receive banishment and death. The play is an example, or maybe even a warning, that our actions and reactions have real effects. Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Cinna, Trebonius, and Cimber respond swiftly and without thought to Caesar’s rise and pay a heavy price for it in the end. Mark Antony sees the worth in being Caesar’s friend, and their friendship benefits him when Caesar is dead. In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare the principal characters' initial reactions to Caesar’s rise affect their conclusive outcomes.…
While he never actually became a dictator, he showed many of the qualities that describe a powerful dictator. The main aspect of leadership he shows is the opportunity for corruption in people. In Brutus’s words: “He would be crowned. How that might change his nature, there's the question.”(Shakespeare) There is no way to tell what Caesar will become if he does take the Roman crown. Caesar also uses manipulation. During the scene where Caesar refuses the crown, he is manipulating the audience into thinking he doesn’t want the crown and surveying the audience as to whether or not they want him to be emperor. Lastly, he holds himself in high esteem. Quotes like, “I am as constant as the northern star,” (Shakespeare) and “Danger knows full well that Caesar is more dangerous than he.” (Shakespeare) really explore the mentality of Caesar. This narcissistic mentality is something that would show even brighter in a single dictator…
Julius Caesar played an important role for Ancient Rome. Julius was a Roman statesmen who lead the Roman Republic to spread around and rise Ancient Rome. He did so many differences to the city of Rome when he became dictator, and most of the people loved his acts and his good leadership. Julius gave the people 5 different types of reforms, which the people were happy to have an considered him as a great leader. During Julius Caesar's lifetime, he had held just about every important title in the Roman Republic including consul tribune of the people, and including a high commander of the army. He suggested new laws the improve the city of Rome, most of them were approved by the Senate to make them into official laws. He reorganized the army…
Julius Caesar, a historical tragedy appeals to an audience fearing Elizabeth 1 imminent death without an heir and consequence civil war, religious conflict and external threats. embodies his values in distinctive, engaging, contrasting characters and their relationship with each other…
The play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare revolves around how power manifests in different characters. The most obvious being Caesar, whose power inevitably led to his downfall. Through his development of the characters Cassius, Brutus, Anthony, Shakespeare reveals that the nature of power compels people to act more toward their own gain.…
Power is a theme that has dominated mankind since history was recorded. The assassination of Julius Caesar, ruler of the greatest empire the world has ever known, was a result of such a struggle for power. The foundations of Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar' are power relationships which dominate the liaisons between characters of opposing sex, classes, and ambitions. Even in the historical context, Rome in 44 BC, the height of the Roman Republic, predisposes the play to a complex tangle of power conflicts. As the power of prominent characters builds tension, ambitions develops, and thus manipulation arises. Struggles of authority and dominance are evident between the characters in 'Julius Caesar', through Shakespeare's…
Today, rulers of other countries still bear the title Caesar. This name has achieved an unprecedented amount of respect. Julius Caesar is one of Rome's most famous leaders, and he has come to deserve that fame. Julius has many of the discrete characteristics of a leader. He was egotistic (some may say an egomaniac), he had a controlling power, he was intelligent, and he was ambitious. Although his reign did not prove as beneficial to Rome as it did for him, he is still considered a great leader.…
Caesar was one of the most ambitious and determined men to ever rule the Roman Empire. He became a legend in his own right by defeating his highest political threat at his time, Pompey. Taking Rome by storm, Caesar marched his way to power supported by his loyal army and followers claiming his Dictatorship for life. Changes that he made during his time still remain strong in our time such as the Calendar.…
Julius Caesar was the first man to be noticed as the sole ruler of Rome. Cassius knew that Caesar was not as strong as he seemed. For Cassius had been there when Caesar had been at his weakest. Now Cassius thought of the time Caesar was sick while in Spain, crying like a little girl. There was also the time Caesar challenged Cassius to swim with him in the Tiber, and cried for help when drowning.…
Common people consider Caesar as a hero and their saviour from the corrupt senate and the evil Barbarians. They consider Caesar tyrant.…
Julius Caesar was an honorable man, but with his power, came his corruption and greed in the eyes of Rome's leaders. Several high political figures in Rome were becoming more and more discontent. Caesar's friend Brutus tells Cassius, "[w]hat means this shouting?/I do fear the people choose Caesar for their king." (24). Brutus and Cassius felt Caesar was gaining to much attention to quickly. With each amount of increasing support from the Romans, Caesar extended his use of power further. Brutus and the conspirators then go on about Caesar's abuse of power:…
Shakespeare's play "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" is one that transcends time from the Roman times to the Elizabethan times and to the present. "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" has characters which display similar mindsets of those in Elizabethan times and today. Many of the characters in the play have a certain motivation to complete a long-term or short term goal. These motives arise from things like a strive for perfection, ambition and greed among people who are subservient. Each character in Julius Caesar has his own motivation whether it is the soothsayer who wanted to warn Caesar or Cassius who wanted to kill him. The nature of human beings was clearly represented as characters in the play had different motives but ended up wanting to…
Julius Caesar was many things. Boswell called him, “the greatest man of any age” (Meier). Julius Caesar was a diplomat, a great politician. Everyone knows that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. As well as a leader, he was a writer and a military genius. He led Rome to war and took home victories time and time again. He was a lover, marrying Cleopatra after finding her in Egypt. This military leader led victory after victory and helped to set the life of the late Roman Republic.…