Racial characterization in the society has been an interesting issue in the society due to the significant attention and influence it has on the human life. The racial disposition of different cultural ethnicities in the community establishes an aura of disparities between people with different backgrounds. The categorization of people according to their racial identity has influenced the perception and treatment of particular groups of people in the society. The racial mindset in the society influences the positions different people hold and the ease of social interaction. Highly racialized societies observe the minority groups as lesser people due to their skin color or their particular way of life. Additionally, this affects the socialization
aspect together with access to services such as education, medical care, and exposure to classic infrastructure.
The conflict theory can be used to establish a theoretical framework to how race is closely associated with conflicts in the society. Conflict theory claims that numerous conflicts arise in the society due to unequal distribution of resources, social status, and power among different racial ethnicities in a particular community. The intensity of the racial issues in the society is largely due to power where the resources are distributed according to the political share of each ethnic group. The Marxism approach of the theory focuses on the political, social, and economic distribution of racial communities in society. According to the conflict theory, then assumptions are that conflicts in the society arise when people from different social status and race are in the constant struggle of acquiring the power to themselves. In that case, similar to racial categorization in the contemporary society, the struggles of political power, social power, and economic stability are the primary cause of racial conflicts. Here, one racial group feels threatened by the other racial groups in the society causing the categorization and seclusion of particular groups.