Here, many international organizations and institutions active in the of human field rights initiated appeals and appeals to all workers in social 1-What is meant by ‘Social Justice’? Why are the principles of human rights and social justice fundamental to social work? -
In recent years, injustices and differences in society have increased; and this has led to increased economic and social gaps among society members. Many plans and policies have been tried for a democratic society based on justice and equality among the members of society but they all failed For a variety of different reasons.
Here, many international organizations and institutions active in the of human field rights initiated appeals and appeals to all workers in social work fields at all levels In order to adopt the principle of social justice as the basic rule in the field of social work.(1)
"Social justice” concept of social justice emerged as a gradual reaction to a period of rapid social change and as an …show more content…
And to defend the physical health of the individual psychologically emotionally and can be translated into several things including the right to decide the signatory to promote the right to participate and recognition of all aspects of a person's life in the whole person, within the family, community and the environment and also identify and develop the strengths of all individuals, groups and communities, Make maximum use of