Morrie believes that if people always stay 22 they will always be ignorant and they won't become wiser and by aging people go through more. People gain more knowledge by going through life. ¨If youŕe always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow.(Albom 118-119) People fear about aging because they don't want to die. I learned that I don't like the idea of getting older because once you get old your parents are gonna die. I don't like that I will be losing people as I´m getting older. An experience I have is that when I was 14 my grandpa died from natural causes and I haven't seen him in about 12 years and I didn't remember him and now I don't have anything to remember him by. So then I realized that as I got older I am going to lose more people in my
Morrie believes that if people always stay 22 they will always be ignorant and they won't become wiser and by aging people go through more. People gain more knowledge by going through life. ¨If youŕe always battling against getting older, you're always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow.(Albom 118-119) People fear about aging because they don't want to die. I learned that I don't like the idea of getting older because once you get old your parents are gonna die. I don't like that I will be losing people as I´m getting older. An experience I have is that when I was 14 my grandpa died from natural causes and I haven't seen him in about 12 years and I didn't remember him and now I don't have anything to remember him by. So then I realized that as I got older I am going to lose more people in my