
How Has Cancer Impacted My Life

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How Has Cancer Impacted My Life
Cancer was a very scary time in my life, without a doubt it was scary and surprising, to say the least. When I look back and think about who cancer impacted my life, immediately negative thoughts of my dads and grandpas countless joint chemotherapy treatments, nights in the hospital and the abnormal behavior by my dad and grandpa exhibited. In the unlikely event of a loved one being diagnosed with cancer, it can be very scary. However, in my situation my dad and grandpa were diagnosed around the same time, fighting the battle together. Going back to how cancer has impacted my life, cancer brought many negative things to my life, but those negative impacts are outweighed by the positive impacts that followed. Its hard to find the good in any …show more content…
In my case, this bad thing happened to good people, as my dad and grandpa are the nicest, caring and passionate people I've met. "Good things happen to good people and bad things happen to good people too." my grandma explained to me. Cancer has also impacted my life because now I live every day to the fullest and allow my self to be thankful for all the small things humans overlook. You never know when your last day will be, live your life to the fullest and create a legacy surrounding your name. Don't die with regrets or dreams that you never chased, your time on earth may be taken from you unexpectedly, cherish every moment with loved ones. Lastly, cancer showed me what was important in life. During this time I and my dad were brought together and made a stronger relationship. This showed me that flashy technology, trips to exotic places are just extras in my life, while the things like time, loved ones and being healthy are things in my life that should be cherished above all. Fortuenly for me both my dad and grandpa won their battles against cancer in 2013, however, my grandpa was diagnosed again the following year and lost his

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