Priscilla Gomez
Self-analysis Paper There is a lot of pain and struggle in us that we sometimes find hard to deal with. I was a child when I first learned what cancer meant and what it would do to my beautiful, loving and caring grandmother. I was still too young to understand fully, but I knew more or less that she would be leaving us too soon in her time. I saw her struggle with the changes the sickness had done to her body. She was weak and always tired. It hurt me so much to see her in pain and she always tried her very best to not show that she was hurting around us. She would smile and always have words of wisdom. Growing up she was the only person I thought I could tell my secrets to, my grandmother was my best friend. Before she passed I wanted to hold her, be with her and just …show more content…
love her as much as I could before her time came, because I never wanted her to feel alone or lost.
When she passed I cried, for days and days I cried. I felt like someone had just torn away a huge chunk of my heart and replaced with tears and grief. My mother tells me I am just like my grandmother. I love helping others, hearing their problems and giving insight. My grandmother, she would listen and give advice and she helped me learn a lot of things about myself that I never knew. I am writing this essay, but all I can think about is how much her personality captivated me to be who I am today and that I want to make people feel better about themselves. I want that more than anything. I want to motivate. I want to help someone find the light at the end of a dark tunnel. I want to listen and learn from people dealing with struggles, help them
get past their disabilities and to be happy with themselves. I want to be a rehabilitation counselor. In the past three weeks I have relearned stuff about myself that I had forgotten. I say this because I am truly unhappy with my accomplishments thus far. I have a warehouse job that holds no close meaning to me. A job that is indeed just a job not a career and I have been searching for a way to give my life meaning. I knew that when I graduated high school four years ago, I wanted to help people, I just did not have the drive that I have now. So I took some very helpful tests that reminded me that I am more than just a part time girl. The Holland personality trait test I took was spot on. I am a social butterfly, I love to talk about anything and learn from everyone. I am very enterprising, I show initiative and resourcefulness. My color character trait is blue. I am a helper, an emotional flower. I love to be the one people come to for advice and consolation. The Meyers Brigg test I took showed that I was extroverted, Intuitive, that I used my feelings for judgment and I was great at perceiving. This is all true. I am outgoing, I might seem shy at first but when I speak, a thousand words want to come out at a time! I am very intuitive. I focus a lot on meanings. I am always the first one to say something happened for a reason. I love variety, meeting different people and cultures would just be ideal for me. I have a feeling judgment. I pay attention to personal values and feelings. I am the pleasing type and I am very compassionate. I believe I have selected a career that best interacts with all of my personality traits.
I have researched a lot on what a rehabilitation counselor does and I have noticed certain similarities with things that I have done in my life as well. Rehabilitation counselors work with people and their disabilities whether they were born with them or a misfortune caused them to attain them. They help them to overcome certain barriers, assess abilities and needs, set goals and overcome physical, social and emotional obstacles. My high school had a program called ‘peer-leadership’ where students would counsel other students when they had problems that were not helping them focus in school. As a peer-leader, I was taught to listen very attentively and respond with a question or insight that would help them create a decision to solve their problem. I loved that class. Other than English, it was the only class that I really felt like I was actually helpful and full of insight. I also did volunteer work for a group called ‘interact’ where we would help serve people food at the salvation armies and we would pick up trash on the streets or even help bring awareness to certain dire subjects in our community. I think these roles have helped me figure out that I really want to work in a helping field and that Rehabilitation counseling would be ideal for me. I have a long way to go to get to where I want to be career-wise, but I know I will, in time, get there. I have three of the most important values to keep me going; Family, integrity and the love of helping others. With these values and the skills I have and will have, I will be on my way to being a rehabilitation counselor. My grandmother was my stepping stone and a very important part of my growing process. I hope to be as great as her one day and to one day be part of someone else’s growing process.