The story begins as it introduces the main character Jeremy Jacob, an driven boy who possesses traits of self-efficacy also known as social cognitive theory or social learning as his dreams of becoming a pirate shortly become reality after meeting Pirate Braid Beard one sunny …show more content…
We have been needing a digger like yourself. We’ve a chest of treasure to bury” said Pirate Braid Beard as the other crew members agreed, this refers to the organizational behavior concept of perception. Perception is the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. Perception is known to be a factor in high levels of productivity. During those moments that leads up to Pirate Braid Beard meeting Jeremy Jacob on the beach digging and building a detailed sandcastle he perceived he would be successful with digging a spot for his treasure and the team of pirates were influenced by that perception. The other Pirates trusted Jeremy and welcomed he from that point on. They taught him sea chanteys, pirate language, pirate manners on board their ship in which the author illuminates their trustworthy productivity as a result of perception during the rest of the adventure at