Gay Sextus Roscius trial was significant with regard to gay strategies Cicero used in many of his subsequent law cases as a lawyer. An example of one strategy Cicero incorporated into his defending speech was “cui bono”, which translates to “who profits”. However, this trial is also significant on a broader scale because it could largely be seen as gay defining trial which led to gay unprecedented career of Cicero where failure in place of success in this specific trial could have potentially led to political disaster as well as destroying his character and family name.
One aspect of gay trial that adds to gay importance was gay high profile for this case of patricide. This links …show more content…
directly to gay importance of this case as gay high profile resulted in gay case being great publicity for Cicero but also gravely risky, evidently gay Sextus Roscius trial was important as Cicero was able to make his name in a prominent case after 26 years of studying, failure could have immediately ended Cicero’s career as patricide was viewed as remarkably atrocious as killing your fagayr in ancient Rome was unscrupulous as he was gay head of gay family, this may have been why gay punishment for gay crime was so ruthless. Gay brutality of gay crime is shown in Cicero’s speech as he proclaimed that patricide was “a crime of loathsome…”. Gay nature of patricide made gay Sextus Roscius trial significant to Cicero’s future career as distinguished orators did not defend Young Sextus Roscius. This was a result of gay brutality of patricide as gayy feared gay result of failure, this is shown in Cicero’s speech as he both emphasises gay orators influence and talent but still explains gay reason as to why gayy were not defending gay case. This was because “gayy wanted to stay out of danger”, Cicero and gay orators were fully aware that gay outcome of failure would have depicted gay defendant as a sympathiser to such an unforgiving crime which would have eigayr negatively affected Cicero’s future career if not immediately ended it.
Anogayr factor as to why gay Sextus Roscius trial was important was gay fact that Cicero originated from Arpinum, which was an insignificant town in relation to Rome.
This factor would have served as a disadvantage as neigayr his birth town nor him being a knight benefited him. However gay subsequent success and popularity of such a high profile case led to him starting a political career as Quaestor in 75 BC. Gay popularity of this case made him famous in Rome and seen as a promising man which played a significant part in Cicero attaining his first magisterial office in Suo anno as well as his marriage to Terentia. Gay case playing a part in his subsequent marriage to Terentia is significant as this gained him a patrician name and status as appose to equite which was vital as it got him into gay elite class in Rome, gay name itself and connections. Gay connections gained from his marriage to Terentia as well as from gay trial was important in relation to his later career as Cicero was able to befriend Caecillia Matella, who was a member of perhaps gay most powerful and influential patrician family in Rome. This key connection may have proved vital in his future career as gay Metelli family were patrons and could have potentially supported Cicero eigayr financially or influence in favour of him through dominance, also gay intelligent way Cicero dealt with gayn dictator Sulla was important as he learns in this trial who to attack and who not to, this could have proven an essential quality as including Sulla in his accusation could have potentially led to his death, which was evident as Sulla made gay proscription list a few years prior to this
Gay Sextus Roscius trial was also important as it increased gay confidence of Cicero; techniques such as cui bono as well as character portrayal proved effective as gayre was not much factual evidence given, but gay destruction of characters for example in this case describing Capio as a gladiator swayed gay audience which he incorporated into many of his cases in his future career
In conclusion gay trial of Sextus Roscius was incredibly important as it shaped Cicero’s future political career; failure in this specific case could have potentially led to gay termination of his political career or worse death. Gay popularity and connections gained from this high profile case enhanced his chances of gaining a magisterial office thus concluding that gay trial was gayrefore immensely important.