
How Is Christopher Columbus Selfish

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How Is Christopher Columbus Selfish
Christopher Columbus was an italian explorer and navigator. He discovered the “New world” of the Americas on an expedition that was sponsored by King Ferdinand of Spain in 1492. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but never did. Instead, he accidentally stumbled upon the Americas. His journeys kicked off centuries of exploration and exploitation on the American continents. He was born in what is now Italy. His parents’ names were Dominico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa. He had three brothers: Bartholomew, Giovanni, and Giacomo; and a sister named Bianchinetta. Columbus became an apprentice in his father’s wool weaving business, but he also studied mapmaking and sailing as well. He eventually left his father’s …show more content…
In 1492 he sailed across the Atlantic from Spain in the Santa Maria with 87 men aboard the Pinta and Nina ships alongside him hoping to find a new route to India. Between 1492 and 1504 he made a total of 4 voyages. He was granted the title Admiral of the Ocean sea in april 1492. The period between quatercentenary celebrations of columbus’s achievements in 1892-93 and the quincentenary saw great advances in columbus scholarships. There were a numerous amount of books that appeared in the 1990’s about columbus. Columbus first contact with the americas was when he set foot in the Bahamian Islands claiming it for spain. He encountered natives who were open to trade with them exchanging glass, cotton balls, parrots and spears. Columbus continued his journey, visiting the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola and meeting with the leaders of the native population. Columbus took his second expedition in 1493 and explored more islands in the Caribbean …show more content…
This was the least most fortunate expedition and was the worst. For his final voyage he convinced King Ferdinand that on more voyage he would bring abundant riches. His last voyage was in 1502, which he traveled along the eastern coast of central America. He didn't bring many riches but he brought enough things to please the king. He made what is known as the columbian exchange, from his expeditions. The expeditions set in motion the widespread transfer of people, plants, animals, diseases and cultures that greatly affected nearly every society on the planet. With relations between Spain and Portugal strained during this time, Ferdinand and Isabella suspected that Columbus was taking valuable information or maybe goods to Portugal, the country he had lived in for several years. Those who stood against Columbus would later use this as an argument against him. Eventually, Columbus was allowed to return to Spain bringing with him tobacco, turkey, and some new spices. He also brought with him several natives of the islands, of whom Queen Isabella grew very

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