Rainsford Character Sketch In the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell there is a young hunter named Rainsford who is well known in the hunting community. He falls off a yacht and ends up on an island. There he meets a man with a heart colder than his own, where Rainford becomes the hunted. He undergoes a great internal change on the perspective of human and animal life. Rainsford is young wealthy man who loves to hunt, and is good at it, he knows lots of different hunting techniques and how to make a various amount of effectful traps that he uses later on in the story.Furthermore is witty, in good shape, has wicked eye sight and the ability to pick out small movements and animals from …show more content…
The first being stuck in the middle of the ocean with nothing but the clothes on his back. Rainsford uses his wits and good memory to follow gunshots to a island where he finds a cruel general who hunts humans for fun, which in Rainsfords mind is murder. He hates the thought of hunting his own kind and goes to bed mad, uncomfortable and want to get off the island as soon as possible.Eventually general Zaroff hunts Rainsford but he doesn’t cry and feel sorry for himself instead he spends all day covering up his tracks. Rainsford discovers that it's near impossible to lose the general and what it's like to become the prey. Rainsford has a series of near death experiences and failed plans, such as on the first day out on the island, when he was hiding in the tree and the general saw him and could have picked him off easily but instead he saved him for another day,“the sharp brown eyes of the hunter stopped before they reached the limb where Rainsford lay; a smile spread over his brown face”. At one point he has the chance to escape but feels the urge to come back and kill the general. Rainford then ends up staying on the