Santiago treats nature as a family. The sea is like a woman to him and he says so”but the old man always thought of her as feminine and as something that gave or withheld great favors.” (30) I think he even loved her as he says "he always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people called her in Spanish when they love her." (29) Santiago truly did love her she contained so many things within, and all things that Santiago loved. Other than the sea Santiago and the fish are friends "the fish is my friend too."(75) but the fish is more that than to him “He is my brother.” (59) Santiago has blended in nature and basically became one with it. He identifies as somewhat of as a turtle “Most people are heartless about turtles because a …show more content…
It's about how to live. It shows what people throughout the years have done. Survival is something essential to move on with life. Santiago is a perfect example, he is an outcast who talked to the fish and was taken by as crazy sometimes. Santiago loves to fish and has done it his whole life. That is his vocation and how he lives life. Santiago with all his knowledge passed it on to the boy and although the boy was unaware then taught him how to live life and survive it which was all one can really do. Like the boy we are also still trying to figure it out until someone teaches us and trying to find our one true