When Mr. Hooper, the minister, shows up for church wearing a black veil covering his face, people start to question if he is really their minister. “‘Are you sure it is our parson?’” (Hawthorne, 1) asks Mr. Goodman Gray to the sexton. He is in denial that Mr. Hooper would wear such a mysterious veil to church. The sexton replies “‘Of a certainty, it is good Mr. Hooper’” (Hawthorne, 1) knowing that it is him, but is still confused why that black veil was worn to church by their minister. …show more content…
Hooper’s face was behind that piece of crape.’” (Hawthorne, 1) The sexton can’t believe that Mr. Hooper has secret sins being that he is the minister. The townsfolk are scared and are saying that Mr. Hooper has gone mad. “More than one woman of delicate nerves was forced to leave” (Hawthorne, 2) because the veil frightened them so much. When church is dismissed, everyone gathers to discuss this peculiar black veil. Some people laugh, some are mad, others have nothing to say at all. “‘How strange’” (Hawthorne, 3) a lady said “‘that a simple black veil, such as any woman might wear on her bonnet, should become such a terrible thing on Mr. Hooper’s face!’” (Hawthorne, 3) She wonders why his veil has more meaning than an ordinary veil. Her husband replies “‘something must surely be amiss with Mr. Hooper’s intellects.’” (Hawthorne, 3) wondering if there is something mentally wrong with Mr.