This type of action can take place anywhere in the public. (What kind of action? Explain please) Especially the places our children visit most.(This is not a complete sentence, awkward, which means doesn’t make sense) Some of these places are schools and day cares are the most frequent places where these actions take place. (Change the wording of this sentence, switch up words) . As shown in the movie “Doubt”, most of the Physical punishment goes on in schools and churches. For example, in the start of the movie Sister Aloysius Beauvier slaps a kid in the head for a very small mistake(Not even).(Improve this sentence please, it does not seem very literate , like saying slaps a kid and also continue with your point about it , one sentence is not enough) Later in the same scene she says “straight up” in a very angry voice. The child that she said it to was scared based on his movement and facell (facial) expression. This type of action must have taken place before for this reaction would not have happened. (Finish the paragraph, don’t leave it open ended, what is this?! Continue and finish your argument saying how this supports your thesis and your whole argument and then go to the next paragraph to prove another new point).
One of the main factors of physical