This chapter aims to acquaint the reader with the rationale behind the study with the intention of defending it. It places the study in a theoretical context and enables the reader to understand and appreciate the paper’s objectives. This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, assumption, significance of the study, scope and delimitations, and definition of terms.
Attitudes is an association between persons, things, events, ideas or situations and an evaluation of it good or bad, better or worst. Attitudes fall under mental factors. Attitudes are made up of organic and kinesthetic elements which are characterized by internal visceral disturbance. They play a large part in mental organization and general behavior of the individual.
The Filipino society is a child-oriented society. The child is basically a product of several agencies, the most important roles in the upbringing and educating the child, although some differences and possible conflicts might be found in the approaches of these two socializing agencies. (Ocampo, 2000)
The child is an extension of his parents. Therefore on cannot overlook the importance which home plays on his development. Both the home and the school play important roles in educating and bringing up the child.
Filipino parents have high educational ambitions for their children and yet most of them are unfamiliar with the requisites necessary for school success. In line with this, many children who came to school for the first time where not yet ready for learning experiences because their home backgrounds where not attuned to the demands of life in the school. Parents want their children to be successful in school but their ignorance of pedagogical principles may prevent them from looking into their better methods for teaching their children and providing conditions more conducive to learning.