The analysis of marketing industry
As a unique pattern of corporate activities, marketing industry need to be gradually improved and integrated. The business principle and management strives enterprises to keep up the pace of development of the market economy in today's fast moving economic environment. One of the most important purposes for enterprises is to expand and enhance their own profits practically through integration of customer’s demand, desire, and satisfaction.
The above points are essential conditions for the development of project management in marketing industry. By combining the actual situation of a company, the teams of project management take the most appropriate marketing development strategy for the company to achieve the ultimate marketing purposes. That is why project management plays a more and more important position in modern industry.
The meaning of the application of project management in marketing industry * Project management can affect the strategy of marketing management with project management. Through the effective use of marketing project management procedures, enterprise can achieve to change the marketing concepts and strategies step-by-step. Project management can lead other related marketing management in marketing industry to emphasize the property of participation, practice and coordination, etc. Also, project management let the entire finance, human resources, production, research, development and procurement of the inner company be involved in the whole process of marketing project management. After that, the enterprise can achieve a new level of market sales.
* Project management can raise the overall corporate culture through project management in marketing industry. Marketing in an enterprise is not just a "sale" process, it is more important to drive the ability of communication and cooperation in project teams through the positive