Claire: all these companies need proper regulations to ensure they adhere to them and stop using CSR as a way out or an excuse for a way out, how do we even know big corporations such as Nike, H&M even use CSR?
Paul: either way the community will need the company whether they give hands outs or not because how will the community get certain skills and services if the company only focuses on the CSR?, I think that CSR should be self-regulatory because Self-regulation and the membership of firms in such arrangements can, in part, be driven by …show more content…
Which means globalization does not necessarily mean the end of nation states economic it just means they find new and innovative ways of internalizing the influences of globalization while retaining their distinctiveness.
Joe: I agree and to add onto that the global issues and pressures associated with globalization, coupled with the growing concerns of poverty, corruption, inequalities and sustainable development in most developing economies, challenge the role and purpose of MNEs in the global world order. Which tend to create the divide between the responsibilities of firms, markets and nation states in both political economies. And as a result global firms are indirectly or directly compelled by some external factors to fill in the transnational gaps.
Ed: Firms are not just passive recipients of institutional normal and practices and entrepreneurs but can be capable of setting a good