Author Unknown
1.Stop talking! You can only do one of two things: listen or talk.
2.Put the talker at ease. Good communication can only take place in a non-defensive environment.
3.Show the talker that you want to listen. Listening is not something you can be passive about.
4.Remove distractions. This will help show the talker you're interested in what they have to say. This also helps put the person at ease.
5.Empathize with talkers. Try to put yourself in that person's shoes.
6.Be patient. Let the talker finis before asking a lot of questions.
7.Hold your temper. An angry response is a poor response. Give yourself time to cool down before responding.
8.Try to avoid arguing or criticizing. This can destroy the open flow of communication you have worked hard to create.
9.Ask questions. Don't interrupt the speaker unless you're unclear about something. After you have heard everything, ask any questions you may have developed.
10.Stop talking! This is the most important step of all. If you are talking, you are NOT listening.
"Listening requires two ears- one for meaning and one for feeling"
"Decision-makers who do not listen have less information for making sound decisions"
Adapted from Human Behavior at Work by K. Davis
1.Pre-Counseling stage- either a student seeks you out for help or you approach a student because of a problem or potential problem. Practice empathy and respect in order to build trust with the student.
2.Listening and responding stage- The student talks; you listen and