Task A – Short Answer Questions
Ai Describe two methods of verbal communication other than one-to-one conversation.
-clear speech-in order to help people to understand you are saying, speak clearly, don't cover your mouth with your hands or turn away from the person.
-language and words-this involves thinking carefully about the words you use. Your choice of words should be appropriate to the person you are talking to, and to the situation.
Aii Describe two methods of non-verbal communication.
-Eye contact -shows the other person that you are listening to them and it should be frequent but not sustained , otherwise, you could give the impression that you are staring.
-gesture- some people use their hands and head movements to emphasise what they are saying. Gesture might also tell you a lot about how that person is really feeling.
Aiii Identify five different reasons why people communicate. - socially relationship/ friendship survival success teamwork
Aiv Give two reasons why it is important to observe the reactions of an individual using the service when you are communicating with them. people have different needs and preferences in relation to way they communicate. Communication in the health sector has to be effective so that patients are kept informed about their care and treatment, and can express their needs, views and opinions.
Av Explain why it is important to find out about an individual’s:
a) communication and language
– it is important that you make sure that you are able to communicate with people you support in the best way for them
b) wishes and preferences-
-for best way to meet they needs.
Avi Explain how good communication can have a positive effect on the way a social care worker interacts with:
a) colleagues
-if you have are good communication with colleagues the will be likes work with you