Eating an ice cream cone is a delicate art, with only one proper way to eat it. Life at the ice cream vendor is full of men, women, and children eating it in ways that are unfitting for the beauty of the cone. I am here to help you discover how to eat an ice cream cone in a way befitting its grandeur.
For your first step, you have to purchase your ice cream. Choose a flavor that you believe will suit you best, and matches your taste in sweets. After you have chosen your flavor, you need to choose the cone. The size of the cone depends on what flavor you have chosen. If you have gone with the classic vanilla, then a waffle cone with chocolate edges is suitable. If you have the chocolate, I would recommend a sugar cone. Seeing as you get the point, I shall move on to the craft of eating your delectable treat.
Before you start eating, first you need to grip the cone. Do this gently, so as to not break the fragile shell in which your ice cream is encased. You should grip the cone with your index finger and thumb opposite from each other, close to the top. Make sure not to grip the ice cream itself, lest you cover your fingers in the sticky goodness and demolish the symmetry of the dairy product. Your other three fingers should have followed under the index finger, with your pinky at the very bottom.
Now that you have a proper hold on the cone, you need to take your first bite. The only issue is, your first bite should not actually be a bite! Biting down on the ice cream is the most common mistake made in eating ice cream. Instead of biting, you need to perform five major licks. Your first lick should be on the side of the ice cream opposite you. Your next two licks should be on the right and left sides of the ice cream. Which side you lick first depends on the hand with which you are holding your cone. If you are holding the cone with your right hand, lick the left side first. If you hold the cone with your left hand, lick the right