Nevertheless, I believe great benefits, which part-time job provides, outweigh more than that.
Looking for a job does require some effort. Whether looking for one online, through newspapers, or going in person. Some places ask for experienced workers in the type of field that is needed. If students know how to balance and make effective use of the time to work and study, their study result will be not affected badly. For instance, students can develop a daily plan which defines how much time they should spend on working and on studying. The student must have good time management and be patient for looking for a job, it can take time.
Knowing what an employer wants and expects in job applicants can help them to prepare themselves for the interview. Experienced interviewers typically value maturity and stability. The way an applicant relates to the interviewer and the way he handles interview questions, follow-up calls and callbacks presents opportunities for an employer to observe and evaluate these subtle but critically important qualities. They cannot be taught and there is no substitute.
Loyalty is another very important quality an employer is looking for. Even loyal people switch jobs from time to time. But the people who do that once a year for no compelling reason lack loyalty to the companies that took chance in hiring them. Sure, exceptional circumstances warrant quick job switches, but a pattern of short stints is a dead gateway of a lack of loyalty. Employers simply can not afford to invest valuable training time, resources and compensation on workers who routinely stay less than two years.
How an employee grooms and dresses is an excellent indication of