When planning any kind of party you need to follow some simple steps to have a perfect party.
A couple things you will need to get started is to determine what the party is for. Then you can determine where the party is going to take place you will also need to determine the time and date, guest list, invitations, food, drinks, decorations and of course entertainment. First you need to decide what your party is for and where it’s going to take place. For example
If the party is a baby or wedding shower you will probably want it at a hall. If you are having a kids birthday party you will probably want it at your home. Graduations parties are good in your backyard
If your backyard is big, if not then a fire hall is a good choice. Also the two main factors you need to keep
In mind when determining where your party is going to be is space and cost. If you have your party at a hall and have them make all of the food it will cost you more. If you have the party in your backyard you will need to make sure your backyard is big enough for your guests to fit comfortably. Next you will need to determine a date and time for the party. If the occasion lands on a
Tuesday usually you will want your party on the following or prior weekend. If you’re planning a baby or wedding shower you need to determine the date of the wedding or the date when the baby is due then you usually have the shower two months prior. Now you will want to determine the time of your party. You will need to decide if it will start early afternoon or late afternoon. Usually kids birthday parties start early afternoon, but an adult party sometimes you will have start at a later time. Also think about how much time that day you will need to prepare for the party. Now you will need to determine the guest list. For example, will you be inviting family and friends or just family. If it is a kid’s birthday you need to determine which of your kid’s friends you